Monday, February 24, 2014

Spica cast care tips: Bathing

JT had a SPICA cast with the special gortex liner that allowed us to at least reach into the cast with a damp cloth without ruining the liner. We found the best way for us to bathe him was to lay out a Towel on our kitchen counter. We filled two containers. One with baby soapy water, one with just water. We were able to sponge bathe him and wash his hair over the soapy container and then rinse him quickly with a cup of water from the plain or non-soapy container. I would lay out the following before we even brought him over for bath time: Large bath towel for him to lay on tub of soapy, warm water his tear free shampoo tub of plain, warm water cup (to use to rinse his hair) washcloth his clean clothes diaper Poise pad lotion We would wash him with the soapy water then pat him dry. I would hold his head over the soapy water and wash it and then rinse with the plain water. I would quickly pat him dry and put lotion on NON-CASTED area. It was important to not put any lotion or powder or anything inside the casted areas because it would irritate his skin. We found it was important to turn him over onto his stomach and clean down inside the cast area as as much as possible with the damp cloth. It was amazing the things that JT would shove inside his cast from toys to food to stickers. I also found that it I played music loudly, it would help him stay calm during bath time.

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