Thursday, February 20, 2014

Muscle Twitches/Spasms

Throughout the ride in the ambulance to the hospital, JT would seem to relax a bit and then twitch horribly and start to cry in pain. The paramedics said she felt that he was having some muscle spasms because as he would try to relax, the muscles would tighten up because they were trying to hold onto the bone, etc. 
The spasms and cramps continued throughout the entire time we waiting for the cast. It was heart wrenching. They did start Valium which seemed to help him some. Now, our 1 year old was on Morphine and Valium. Crazy. We just wanted him to sleep, at this point it was midnight, it had been about 5 hours since he had broken his leg and we just wanted him to be....OK.

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