Monday, February 24, 2014

Transportation when in a Spica Cast ...Car seat woes

The first logistical issue we dealt with was how to get JT home from the hospital. There are car seats (HIPPO) that are specifically created for children in SPICA casts. The hospital was out of those and they were in the area of $500 to get new. We reached out to local medical equipment rental companies with no luck. We took JT home in a modified booster of sorts with blankets stuffed all over. It concerned us a great deal as I had to basically hold him up in the car seat for our hour drive home.
 We found quickly that this was not an option. We lucked out big time and the hospital had one of the Hippo Snug Seats units returned. It was amazing what a difference it made and we felt like we had some freedoms back and could get him out of the house.

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