Monday, February 24, 2014

Spica cast care tips: Clothing

Obviously, with a large SPICA cast, clothing your child was wearing is no longer an option. We were able to get JT clothing that was 2 sizes larger than what he was wearing. We got large shirts and then used legwarmers or knee socks to cover the open leg. Because we had the stability bar, larger pants were not an option. We were able to find some cute leg warmers and got several as gifts from my sister as well. The larger shirts were nice because we could pull them down over the cast and it helped keep food and other items from falling into his cast. He found ways to shove things inside the cast, but at least the covered area kept crumbs and other small objects from falling into the cast. He seemed to like to not have a sock on the casted foot, but if we were going outside, we would either wrap him in a blanket or put a sock on the open toes. Dresses would have been a great option had he been a girl!

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