Monday, February 24, 2014

Medicine Logs for toddler in Spica cast

We kept an excel spreadsheet print out with the times and dosage of each of the medications JT was supposed to take. He was taking the Valium for his muscle spasms and then a stronger form of Tylenol rotated with Motrin. We found that we had to keep on schedule with the pain medication especially and if we went over the time allowed in between, JT was quick to let us know because he would start crying in pain. We had to refer to the medicine chart often and also used it as an area to take notes on JT's diaper changes and other helpful information (if he got a fever, etc). We would initial it so that we were sure to make sure the medication was administered and there was no doubt as to when or by whom. It was a helpful resource at the 2 week check up as well. We backed off the Valium after about 2 weeks and then started streching out the pain medicines around that time as well until he was fully off of them by 4 weeks after the break. He still needed them once in a while, especially at night time to help him sleep.

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