Monday, February 24, 2014

Spica cast care: Eating

JT wanted to feed himself. He didn't fit in any of the high chairs we tried. He couldn't sit up because of the angle of his cast, so we tried several things before we found a couple of decent options: 1) We propped him up with pillows on the air mattress and put LARGE plastic bibs with catcher trays on him - this could only be used with solid foods that we could easily clean up 2) we held him at the table and he would at least let us help him a bit more since he was with the family at least 3) we put him in an umbrella stroller and then set a TV tray next to him so he could reach his food, be in the kitchen for dinner time and mostly feed himself. 
 It was weeks before we got to this point and #3 was the BEST option for us/JT.

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